For 9 long years, Saul hounded David as “one hunts a partridge in the mountains” (1 Sam. 26:20). “How long, O Lord?
Will You forget me forever?” David prayed. “How long will You hide Your
face from me? . . . How long will my enemy be exalted over me?” (Ps.
Prolonged affliction often vexes us as well. We want a sudden
solution, a quick fix. But some things can’t be fixed. They can only be
Law of Intention and Desire: Inherent in every intention and desire is
the mechanics for its fulfillment. Intention and desire in the field of
pure potentiality have infinite organizing power. When we introduce an
intention in the fertile ground of pure potentiality, we put this
infinite organizing power to work for us.
I will put the Law of Intention and Desire into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:
I will put the Law of Intention and Desire into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps: